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李银美韩国电影手机版 2024-09-18 17:03:20
古装老电影刀客 2024-09-18 17:03:09


发布时间: 2024-09-14 12:05:27

『壹』 六分钟,英文电影片段,双人版,中英对照版的字幕,语速慢一点。口语考试用,急急急

1. 《这个杀手不太冷中》的Mathilda对Leon的表白
李昂: (Nothing's the same after you've killed someone. Yourlife is changed forever.) You have to sleep with one eye open for the rest ofyour life.
玛蒂尔达:I don't give a shit about sleeping. leon. Iwant love....or death. That's it.

李昂:Iwant death. Only death is real. Get off my case. Mathilda. I'm tired of yourgames.

玛蒂尔达:There'sthis really great game. Leon. Makes people nicer. Start them thinking. The kindof game you love. If I win you keep me with you... for life

李昂:Andif you lose?
玛蒂尔达:Go shopping alone, like before.

李昂:You'regonna lose. Mathilda. There's a round in the chamber. I heard it.

玛蒂尔达:Sowhat? What's it to you if I end up with a bullet in the head?


玛蒂尔达:Ihope you're not lying. Leon. I really hope that deep down inside there's nolove in you. Because if there is just a little bit of love in there for me...Ithink that in a few minutes you'll regret you never said anything. I love you.Leon.



2. 电影《闻香识女人》经典对白
Trask: Mr. Simms, you are a cover-up artistand you are a liar.
Frank: But not a snitch!
Trask: Excuse me?
Frank: No, I don't think I will.
Trask: Mr. Slade
Frank: This is such a crock of shit!
Trask: Please watch your language, Mr.Slade; you are in the Baird School, not a barracks. Mr. Simms, I'll give youone final opportunity to speak up.
Frank: Mr. Simms doesn't want it. Hedoesn't need to be labeled, still worthy of being a Baird man! What the hell isthat? What is your motto here? Boys, inform on your classmates, save your hide,anything short of that, we're gonna burn you at the stake? Well, gentleman,when the shit hits the fan some guys run and some guys stay, here's Charlie,facing the fire and there's George hiding in big daddy's pocket. And what areyou doing? And you are gonna reward George, and destroy Charlie.
Trask: Are you finished, Mr. Slade?
Frank: No, I'm just getting warmed up! Idon't know who went to this place, William Howard Taft, William JenningsBryant, William Tell, whoever, their spirit is dead, if they ever had one. It'sgone. You're building a rat ship here, a vessel for seagoing snitches. And ifyou think you're preparing these minnows for manhood, you better think again,because I say you're killing the very spirit this institution proclaims itinstills. What a sham! What kind of a show are you guys putting on here today?I mean, the only class in this act is sitting next to me, I'm here to tell youthis boy's soul is intact, it's non-negotiable, you know how I know, someonehere, and I'm not gonna say who, offered to buy it, only Charlie here wasn'tselling.
Trask: Sir, you're out of order.
Frank: I'll show you out of order. Youdon't know what out of order is, Mr. Trask, I'd show you, but I'm too old, I'mtoo tired, I'm too fucking blind, if I were the man I was five years ago, I'dtake a flame thrower to this place! Out of order? Who the hell do you thinkyou're talking to? I've been around, you know? There was a time I could see,and I have seen, boys like these, younger than these, their arms torn out,their legs ripped off, but there is nothing like the sight of an amputatedspirit. There is no prosthetic for that, you think you're merely sending thissplendid foot solider back home to Oregen with his tail between his legs, but Isay you're executing his soul! And why? Because he is not a Baird man. Bairdmen, you hurt this boy, you're gonna be Baird bums, the lot of you. And Harry,Jimmy, and Trent, wherever you are out there, fuck you too!
Trask: Stand down, Mr. Slade!
Frank: I'm not finished. As I came in here,I heard those words: cradle of leadership. Well, when the bough breaks, thecradle will fall, and it has fallen here, it has fallen. Makers of men,creators of leaders, be careful what kind of leaders you're procin' here. Idon't know if Charlie's silence here today is right or wrong, I'm not a judgeor jury, but I can tell you this: he won't sell anybody out to buy his future!And that my friends is called integrity, that's called courage. Now, that's thestuff leaders should be made of. Now I have come to crossroads in my life, Ialways knew what the right path was. Without exception, I knew, but I nevertook it, you know why, it was too * hard. Now here's Charlie, he's come to thecrossroads, he has chosen a path. It's the right path, it's a path made ofprinciple that leads to character. Let him continue on his journey. You holdthis boy's future in your hands, committee, it's a valuable future, believe me.Don't destroy it, protect it. Embrace it. It's gonna make you proud one day, Ipromise you. How's that for cornball?

『贰』 有什么动画片是带中英对照字幕的.老师要我们抄对白,一定要是英文的

1937/12/21 Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs(白雪公主和七个小矮人)【CLASSICS-1】
1940/02/07 Pinocchio(木偶奇遇记)【CLASSICS-2】
1940/11/13 Fantasia(幻想曲)【CLASSICS-3】
1941/10/23 Dumbo(小飞象)【CLASSICS-4】
1942/08/13 Bambi(小鹿斑比)【CLASSICS-5】
1943/02/06 Saludos Amigos(致候吾友)【CLASSICS-6】
1945/02/03 The Three Caballeros(三骑士)【CLASSICS-7】
1946/04/20 Make Mine Music(为我谱上乐章)【CLASSICS-8】
1947/09/27 Fun and Fancy Free(米奇与魔豆)【CLASSICS-9】
1948/05/27 Melody Time(旋律时光)【CLASSIC-10】
1949/10/05 The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad(伊老师与小蟾蜍大历险)【CLASSICS-11】
1950/02/15 Cinderella(仙履奇缘)【CLASSICS-12】
1951/07/28 Alice in Wonderland(爱丽丝梦游仙境Ⅰ)【CLASSICS-13】
1953/02/05 Peter Pan(小飞侠)【CLASSICS-14】
1955/06/16 Lady and the Tramp(小姐与流氓)【CLASSICS-15】
1959/01/29 Sleeping Beauty(睡美人) 【CLASSICS-16】
1961/01/25 101 Dalmatians(101忠狗)【CLASSICS-17】
1963/12/25 The Sword in the Stone(石中剑)【CLASSICS-18】
1967/10/18 The Jungle Book(森林王子)【CLASSICS-19】
1970/12/24 The Aristocats(猫儿历险记)【CLASSICS-20】
1973/11/08 Robin Hood(罗宾汉) 【CLASSICS-21】
1977/03/11 The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh(小熊维尼历险记)【CLASSICS-22】
1977/06/22 The Rescuers(救难小英雄)【CLASSICS-23】
1981/07/10 The Fox and the Hound(狐狸与猎狗)【CLASSICS-24】
1985/07/24 The Black Cauldron(黑神锅传奇)【CLASSICS-25】
1986/07/02 The Great Mouse Detective(妙妙探)【CLASSICS-26】
1988/11/18 Oliver & Company(奥丽华历险记)【CLASSICS-27】
1989/11/17 The Little Mermaid(小美人鱼)【CLASSICS-28】
1990/11/16 The Rescuers Down Under(救难小英雄澳洲历险记)【CLASSICS-29】
1991/11/22 Beauty and the Beast(美女与野兽)【CLASSICS-30】
1992/11/25 Aladdin(阿拉丁)【CLASSICS-31】
1994/06/15 The Lion King(狮子王)【CLASSICS-32】
1995/06/23 Pocahontas(风中奇缘)【CLASSICS-33】
1996/06/21 The Hunchback of Notre Dame(钟楼怪人)【CLASSICS-34】
1997/06/27 Hercules(大力士)【CLASSICS-35】
1998/06/19 Mulan(花木兰)【CLASSICS-36】
1999/06/18 Tarzan(泰山)【CLASSICS-37】
2000/01/01 Fantasia/2000(幻想曲2000)【CLASSICS-38】
2000/12/15 The Emperor's New Groove(变身国王)【CLASSICS-39】
2001/06/15 Atlantis: The Lost Empire(失落的帝国)【CLASSICS-40】
2002/06/21 Lilo & Stitch(星际宝贝)【CLASSICS-41】
2002/11/27 Treasure Planet(星银岛)【CLASSICS-42】
2003/11/01 Brother Bear(熊的传说)【CLASSICS-43】
2004/04/02 Home on the Range(牧场是我家)【CLASSICS-44】
2005/11/04 Chicken Little(四眼天鸡)【CLASSICS-45】
2007/03/30 Meet the Robinsons(未来小子)【CLASSICS-46】
2008/09/11 Tinker Bell (奇妙仙子)【CLASSICS-47】
2009/12/11 The Princess and the Frog(公主与青蛙)【CLASSICS-48】

1995/11/22 Toy Story(玩具总动员)【DISNEY / PIXAR】
1998/11/25 A Bug's Life(虫虫危机)【DISNEY / PIXAR】
1999/11/24 Toy Story 2(玩具总动员2)【DISNEY / PIXAR】
2000/05/19 Dinosaur(恐龙)【DISNEY】
2001/11/02 Monsters, Inc.(怪兽电力公司)【DISNEY / PIXAR】
2003/05/30 Finding Nemo(海底总动员)【DISNEY / PIXAR】
2004/11/05 The Incredibles(超人特攻队)【DISNEY / PIXAR】
2005/08/19 Valiant(战鸽总动员)【DISNEY / Vanguard】
2005/04/14 The Wild(野蛮任务)【DISNEY / CORE Technologies】
2006/06/09 Cars(汽车总动员) 【DISNEY / PIXAR】
2008/06/29 Ratatouille(美食总动员)【DISNEY/PIXAR】
2008/06/27 Wall-E(机器人总动员)【DISNEY/PIXAR】
2008/11/26 Bolt(闪电狗)【DISNEY】
2009/05/29 Up(飞屋环游记)【DISNEY/PIXAR】
2009/07/24 G-Force(豚鼠特工队)【DISNEY / Jerry Bruckheimer】
2009/09/27 Tinker Bell And The Lost Treasure(小叮当与失去的宝藏)【DISNEY】
2009/11/06 A Christmas Carol(圣诞颂歌)【DISNEY / ImageMovers】

1990/08/03 Ducktales: The Movie - Treasure of the Lost Lamp(唐老鸭俱乐部之失落的神灯)
1995/04/07 A Goofy Movie(高飞狗)
1999/03/26 Doug's 1st Movie(阿德日记 电影版)
2000/02/11 The Tigger Movie(跳跳虎历险记)
2001/02/16 Recess: School's Out(下课后 电影版)
2002/02/15 Return to Never Land(梦不落帝国)
2003/02/14 The Jungle Book 2(森林王子2)
2003/03/21 Piglet's Big Movie (小猪大行动)
2004/01/16 Teacher's Pet (酷狗上学记电影版)
2005/02/11 Pooh's Heffalump Move(小熊维尼之长鼻怪大冒险)

1946/11/02 Song of the South(南方之歌)
1949/01/19 So Dear to My Heart(悠情伴我心)
1964/08/29 Mary Poppins(欢乐满人间)
1971/10/07 Bedknobs and Broomstick(飞天万能床)
1977/11/03 Pete's Dragon(妙妙龙)
1988/06/22 Who Framed Roger Rabbit(威探闯通关)【Touchstone Released】
2009/07/24 G-Force(豚鼠特工队)【DISNEY / Jerry Bruckheimer】
2010/03/05 Alice In Wonderland(爱丽丝梦游仙境Ⅱ)
1993/10/13 The Nightmare Before Christmas(圣诞夜惊魂)【Touchstone Released】
1996/05/25 James and the Giant Peach(飞天巨桃历险记)
迪士尼影音产品 (未公映)
1994/05/20 The Return of Jafar(贾方复仇记)
1996/08/13 Aladdin and the King of Thieves(阿拉丁和大盗之王)
1997/08/04 Winnie the Pooh's Most Grand Adventure(小熊维尼寻找罗宾)
1997/11/11 Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted Christmas(美女与野兽:贝儿的心愿)
1998/08/25 Pocahontas II: Journey to a New World(风中奇缘2:伦敦之旅)
1998/10/08 The Lion King Ⅱ: Simba's Pride(狮子王2:辛巴的荣耀)
1999/11/09 Mickey's Once Upon a Christmas(米老鼠温馨圣诞)
2000/02/29 An Extremely Goofy Movie(极限高飞)
2000/09/19 The Little Mermaid II: Return to the Sea(小美人鱼2:重返大海)
2001/02/27 Lady and the Tramp II: Scamp's Adventure(小姐与流氓2:狗儿逃家记)
2002/02/26 Cinderella II: Dreams Come True(仙履奇缘2:美梦成真)
2002/03/19 The Hunchback of Notre Dame II(钟楼怪人2:老实钟的秘密)
2003/01/21 101 Dalmatians II: Patch's London Adventure(101忠狗续集:伦敦大冒险)
2003/05/20 Atlantis: Milo's Return(失落的帝国:神秘的水晶)
2003/08/26 Stitch! The Movie(星际宝贝史迪奇)
2004/02/10 The Lion King Ⅲ: Hakuna Matata(狮子王3:没有烦恼)
2004/03/09 Winnie the Pooh: Springtime with Roo(小熊维尼:春天的百亩森林)
2004/08/17 The Three Musketeers(米奇、唐纳德、高飞三剑客)
2004/11/09 Mickey's Twice Upon a Christmas(米奇耶诞嘉年华)
2005/02/01 Mulan Ⅱ(花木兰2)
2005/06/14 Tarzan Ⅱ(泰山2)
2005/08/30 Lilo & Stitch Ⅱ: Stitch Has a Glitch(星际宝贝2:史迪奇有问题)
2005/09/13 Pooh's Heffalump Halloween Movie(小熊维尼:嘟嘟的万圣节历险)
2005/12/13 The Emperor's New Groove Ⅱ: Kronk's New Groove(变身国王2:高刚外传)
2006/02/07 Bambi Ⅱ(小鹿斑比2)
2006/06/27 Leroy & Stitch(星际宝贝:终极任务)
2006/08/29 Brother Bear Ⅱ(熊的传说2)
2006/12/12 The Fox and the Hound Ⅱ(狐狸与猎狗2)
2007/12/12 Cinderella Ⅲ: A Twist in Time(仙履奇缘3:时间魔法)
2008/08/26 The Little Mermaid: Ariel's Beginning(小美人鱼:爱丽儿的起源)

『叁』 有什么好看的英文电影并且有中英文字幕的

