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發布時間: 2024-10-04 07:28:54

『壹』 對於3d電影的褒貶看法的英語作文

The disadvantages of 3D films

Now, China's development of science and technology better and better, the movie is not exceptional also, have the so-called immersive 3D movie. But at the same time, it has a bad influence, it is worth our thinking.

First, 3D movies for a long time, will deepen myopia glasses, also can proce tears disease. Can cause visual fatigue, dry eyes and other problems. Harm to our health.

Second, a long time to stay in the darkness of the screens, easy to make, elevated intraocular pressure aggravate the symptoms of patients with glaucoma.

So, how do we avoid the above problems?

We Should consciously when watching 3D movies, blinking his eyes shut your eyes every 15 minutes. Feeling unwell to remove 3D glasses eyes, close your eyes to have a rest.

3D 電影的壞處


『貳』 寫一篇評價電影的英語作文,80個單詞左右

i watched a movie called BRAVE HEART recently.it shows that how the people in Scotland resisted the English invader under the leadship of William Wallace.the movie is exciting and moving.it teached me that how important the freedom is and every who love hia country should fight for it.although the movies about history in middle century is hard to get good comments,this movie did it.with the efforts of many movie workers it is rewarded Oscar Prize in 1995.so it is really worthy for everybody to watch.

『叄』 評價一部電影的英語作文(六十字左右)

A precious stone which called "The Heart of Ocean"brought a love story between Rose and Jack.
They met on Titanic and fell in love with each other.On the way to love, they came across many obstacles but surmounted.Four days after the Titanic set out, a very big iceberg floated towards her.The ship was holed by an iceberg.Many people cannot be saved besides Rose and Jack.Death is the biggest obstacle for love to surmounte.In other to save Rose,Jack lay down his life.
In this movie,when teh ship suffered the unexpected,some people would rather help other people than save themselves,such as the sailors and the musicians.They moved me the most.This movie made me thought a lot in some fields,such as relationship of the people around you.For example,when we are facing love,how to express our feeling to our lovers and deal the problem about love with them;When we are facing the social problems,how to settle them perfectly? Let's suppose we are on the Titanic and taking different positions,what we should do when the unexpected coming?In my opinion,diferent people take the different positions and we do different things in society,but the most important thing is that we should assume our responsibilities.
As a whole,this movie not only has a wonderful plot but also provide food for thought.(發人深思)

『肆』 為什麼今天國產電影這么受歡迎 寫一篇英語作文

1. 寫作前先想好自己可能會用到的詞彙比如:國產電影Chinese film, 《你好,李煥英》 Hi Mom等;
2. 列好提綱:
(1)開頭: 談一下國產電影受歡迎的現象,可以結合《你好,李煥英》來描述。 比如:This winter vacation I watched a hit movie named Hi Mom, the box office of which soared to 5 billion. It got me thinking about rapidly developing Chinese film.
(2) 中間:主要談為什麼如此受歡迎?具體原因因人而異。下面我介紹幾點我認為的原因。
a. 經濟發展,技術提高。With the development of society and economy, Film technology is also improving with the excellent special effects and the high picture quality.
b. 明星效力。Star power is an important factor. You may follow a movie just because it has actors you like in it.
c. 電影內容。The film subject takes into account the preferences of most people.
(3) 結尾:總結一下對電影發展的希冀。The popularity of domestic films cannot be separated from the joint efforts of the country and the people.

『伍』 四級英語作文為什麼電影那麼受歡迎


Movies are popular because people are great watchers. They like to watch other peoples' lives. They like to live vicariously. By going to movies, we can escape our own lives, share other emotions, and imagine ourselves as someone else.


Many of our lives are not as adventurous or glamorous as the lives in movies. We do not battle evil all day long and then go back to our luxurious penthouse apartment. We just go to school, do our homework, et, talk to our friends, and sleep. We need a little excitement in our lives and we find excitement at the movies.


Humans are very emotional people. We all like to cry and laugh. Fortunately, there is not much to cry about in my life so I like to go to sad movies where my heart strings can be tugged. I also like to go to comedies so I can laugh. I tend to cry and laugh more in a dark movie theater than I do in broad daylight.


Now I am a student, but I know someday I will be a scientist or a politician or a famous model. When I go to the movies, I can see my role models. I see how they act, what they wear, how they talk. I can prepare myself for the day when I will be like them.


Even though my life is quiet, I can go to the movies and watch someone else's life. I can share their emotions and their everyday life. I wonder if they would like to share mine.
