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部電視上海電影院 2024-10-12 21:03:54
夢游老電影 2024-10-12 21:03:52
槍戰少女動漫電影 2024-10-12 21:01:40


發布時間: 2024-10-12 19:08:59

A. 有什麼好看的愛情電影

《假如愛有天意》要在以前看覺得很感人,可如果你悲情片看多了,會覺得此片有點老土,劇情太老套,不過的確很經典,看遍了韓國此類電影 以下幾部是個人感受最深 也是認為最感人的韓國電影系列了

《我腦海中的橡皮擦》 如果你是此片的女主 你的他還會愛你到最後嗎? 這是我看完此片的感悟。。。

《百萬富翁的初戀》 玄彬主演 畫面十分唯美
《悲虐的街頭》 我看過趙仁成最感人也是他發揮最出色的一部電影。 其中最深刻與感人的不是被說到爛的「愛情」 而是「友情」 如果你看過 應該能深深體會到他的悲。 反正我當時看真的是被感動的一塌糊塗。

《愛情》 我看過朱鎮模最帥 最感人的一部影片。 結尾悲壯。。。一切都是為了「愛「
《8月照相館》 經典不多說了
《觸不到的戀人》 以穿越時空的手法敘述 給此片更加深了一種無奈的凄美感。
《春逝》 經典不多說了。
《悲傷電影》 同上。

總結: 最感人的其實莫過於《假如愛有天意》《我腦海中的橡皮擦》《卑劣的街頭》《觸不到的戀人》

這4部風格手法各異 是此類精品中的代表。


補充:假如您喜歡看恐怖片 那麼《姐妹情深》也可算是您想要的影片。 此片十分有味道

B. 《瘋狂動物城》有哪些英語的影評

一、I've seen the movie "crazy animal city" twice and I like it very much. Everything in this movie is exquisite. Animal city is so advanced that I really want to build one. And all the animals have good voices.


I like the rabbit Judy best, because she is the protagonist. After watching this movie, I feel that as long as I work hard, my dream will come true. This movie also let me know how friendship is formed.


This kind of friendship is very precious and permanent.


Anyway, this kind of friendship will not be broken. Judy rabbit treats his friends as well as his relatives. I like this feeling very much.


二、Today, my parents and I went to see "crazy animal city". I like the rabbit officer Judy very much. She is very kind, smart, and loves to help people. She has her own dream.


In order to realize her dream, no matter what others say, she is willing to try and work hard, so I like her very much. I also like the slow lightning, he is very cute, encounter things are not anxious, not flurried《 Crazy animal city is really good.


I want to see it for the second time.


三、Today, my father accompanied me to see "crazy animal city". It was a good movie, which made alts and children laugh happily; I think people with good appearance don't necessarily have good heart.


People with bad appearance don't necessarily have bad heart. We can't judge people by their appearance in life; We should be as persistent as Judy rabbit and respect our friends.


四、This movie makes me understand that everything in the world can't be beautiful, and beauty can only appear through hard work; We should dare to try, try to turn 1% possibility into 99% possibility, and try to draw a perfect end to it;


Just like Judy the rabbit, she has changed her prejudice against foxes, changed her view of the world, and her world has become more beautiful.


五、Crazy animal city is a very good movie, which has a magnificent animal City, in this city, big and small animals live in harmony, have their own beautiful home.The protagonist Judy rabbit is a dream rabbit.


She wanted to be a policeman from childhood. But in the eyes of other animals, it's just wishful thinking. Even her parents think it's impossible. What ferocious large animals should police be.


But Judy rabbit has always insisted on his dream and worked hard for it. Through her persistence and hard work, Judy became a great policeman.


Everyone has his own dream, but you must persist in your dream and work hard for it. You are not afraid of failure and attack. Only in this way can your dream come true.


C. 聖誕電影有哪些

1· 四個聖誕/我們的大鑊假期 - Four Christmases - (2008)
Four Holidays (Australia) (New Zealand: English title)
Mein Schatz, unsere Familie und ich (Germany) 2· 北極的聖誕老人兄弟/聖誕幹嘛要快樂 - Fred Claus - (2007)
Joe Claus (USA) (working title)
Untitled Vince Vaughn/David Dobkin Project (USA) (working title) 3· 完美假日/完美聖誕節 - The Perfect Holiday - (2007)
Perfect Christmas (USA) (working title) 4· 怪物史萊克:霍爾一家/史萊克過聖誕 - Shrek the Halls - (2007)
5· 神奇的聖誕之旅 - Christmas in Wonderland - (2007)
6· 我的聖誕老公/今年聖誕節/相聚聖誕 - This Christmas - (2007)
7· ChubbChubb拯救聖誕節 - The Chubbchubbs Save Xmas - (2007)
8· 聖誕老人3/聖誕快樂又瘋狂3 - The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause - (2006)
9· 絕命聖誕夜 - Black Christmas - (2006)
Black X-Mas (USA) (promotional abbreviation)10· 閃亮的聖誕節 - Deck the Halls - (2006)
All Lit Up (USA) (working title)11· 聖誕出逃記/學校霸王花/七刀的傳奇故事 - Kariseuma talchulgi - (2006)
The Legend of 7 Cutter (International: English title) 12· 7月24日大道的聖誕節/愛上July24大道 - 7 gatsu 24 ka dôri no Kurisumasu - (2006)
Christmas on July 24th Avenue (International: English title) 13· 聖誕節的12隻小狗 - The 12 Dogs of Christmas - (2005)
14· 聖誕老人的謀殺 - Santa's Slay - (2005)
15· 聖誕快樂/近距交戰/今夜無戰事 - Joyeux Noël - (2005)
Happy Christmas (International: English title)
Merry Christmas (USA) 16· 絕命聖誕夜/老大凍未條/冰雪聖誕夜 - The Ice Harvest - (2005)
17· 逃離聖誕/慌失失聖誕 - Christmas with the Kranks - (2004)
John Grisham's Skipping Christmas (USA) (working title)
Skipping the Holidays (USA) (working title)18· 煎熬聖誕節/誰來陪我過聖誕 - Surviving Christmas - (2004)
19· 聖女/沒有聖誕老人 - Niña santa, La - (2004)
The Holy Girl (International: English title) (USA) 20· 聖誕夜奇跡/紐約奇跡 - Noel - (2004)
21· 聖誕頌歌 - A Christmas Carol - (2004)
A Christmas Carol: The Musical (USA) 22· 米奇聖誕嘉年華/米奇節日嘉年華 - Mickey's Twice Upon a Christmas - (2004)
23· 快樂聖誕 - Haepi ero keurisemaseu - (2003)
Happy Ero Christmas (International: English title)
Happy Erotic Christmas (International: English title) 24· 聖誕壞公公 - Bad Santa - (2003)
Badder Santa (USA) (longer version)25· 聖誕精靈/大碼小精靈/精靈總動員 - Elf - (2003)
26· 聖誕老人2 - The Santa Clause 2 - (2002)
27· 布公仔聖誕奇遇 - It's a Very Merry Muppet Christmas Movie - (2002)
28· 珍貴的禮物/聖誕節的鞋子 - The Christmas Shoes - (2002)
29· 聖誕快樂 - Santa vs. the Snowman 3D - (2002)
30· 驚懼聖誕 - 'R Xmas - (2001)
Christmas (France)

D. 在韓國發展的中國藝人有那些


