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发布时间: 2022-03-12 16:18:26

Ⅰ about 戛纳电影节的名称 英文名是什么

戛纳电影节的英文名全称为:Cannes International Film Festival


早期,戛纳电影节因“大海”、“美女”和“阳光”(Sea Sex Sun)而被称为3S电影节。



  • 金棕榈奖/Palme d'Or

  • “金棕榈奖”前身为“电影节大奖”(Grand Prix Festival International Film),乃是针对参加“主竞赛单元”的20余部影片评选出的戛纳电影节最高奖。亚洲首部获得金棕榈作品是1953年日本导演衣笠贞之助前辈的《地狱门》,华语电影唯一一部荣膺金棕榈奖的影片为陈凯歌的《霸王别姬》)。

  • 评审团大奖/Grand Prize of the Jury

  • 又名评委会大奖、评审团特别大奖,仅次于金棕榈的电影节第二高奖。于1967年设立,在此之前“评审团特别奖”(Special Jury Prize)是电影节第二高奖。中国导演张艺谋《活着》(与尼基塔·米哈尔科夫《毒太阳》并列)、姜文《鬼子来了》以及朴赞郁《老男孩》等亚种导演的作品都曾获得这一带有安慰性质的大奖。

  • 评审团奖/Jury Prize




Ⅱ “戛纳”“戛纳电影节”“卢浮宫博物馆”“巴黎圣母院”用英文怎么翻译


戛纳(Cannes)位于法国南部港湾城市尼斯附近,是地中海沿岸风光明媚的休闲小镇。和法国其他城市一样,戛纳最好的旅游季节是在 6-10月 当今世界最具影响力、最顶尖的国际电影节之一的戛纳国际电影节每年五月中旬在此举办。

2、戛纳电影节:Cannes Film Festival戛纳电影节(法语:Festival de Cannes)是一个由法国于1946年首度举办于该国南部城市戛纳,于二战战后复兴并于同地扩大举办的国际性电影展暨电影奖。它是国际电影制片人协会承认的世界三大电影节之一(另二者为威尼斯电影节及柏林电影节),为国际上最具影响力的电影节之一,每年法国政府会辅助100万至150万美金可见其重视程度。

Ⅲ 用英语描绘一下戛纳电影节

Cannes international film festival, founded in 1946, is the most influential and top international film festival in the world today. Together with Venice international film festival and Berlin international film festival, it is known as the three major international film festivals in Europe, also known as the three major international film festivals in the world. The highest award is the palme d 'or.

Since its inception, cannes international film festival has always adhered to its original intention of promoting the development of the festival, revitalizing the world film instry, and providing an international stage for the world's filmmakers.

In addition to adhering to the original intention of the festival, the festival is also ready to accept new concepts and ideas. Over the past few decades, the festival has evolved beyond its core values to discover new talent in the film instry and create a platform for communication and creativity.

Ⅳ 戛纳电影节金棕榈大奖用英文怎么说

戛纳电影节金棕榈大奖翻译成英文是: The palme d 'or at the cannes film festival





Ⅳ 用英语描述戛纳电影节的历史由来


In the late 1930s, France was impressed by the high fascist flames of Germany and Italy at that time.


Especially Joseph Goebbel, the German propaganda minister, made great efforts to run Lenny Rifenstall to shoot the Berlin Olympics in 1936. After that, he became the documentary "Olympia" in 1938. He was strong in the Venice Film Festival in 1938 and won the Mussolini Prize for Best Foreign Film.


The French Minister of Public Administration and Art, Chan Jay, accepted Philip Elanger's proposal and decided to create a New International Film Festival in Cannes.


The full name of the first film festival is "International Film Festival". Cannes was chosen because of the comfortable climate there.


In June 1939, Louis Lumier chaired the first International Film Festival, which lasted from September 1 to September 30.

Ⅵ 戛纳国际电影节 和 金棕榈奖 用英文怎么讲谢谢

Cannes Film Festival

Golden Palm


Ⅶ 戛纳电影节的英语发音

Cannes International Film Festival

[kæn ˌɪntəˈnæʃnəl fɪlm ˈfestɪvl]

戛纳国际电影节(英文:Cannes International Film Festival,法文:Festival De Cannes),亦译作坎城国际电影节,创立于1946年,是当今世界最具影响力、最顶尖的国际电影节,与威尼斯国际电影节、柏林国际电影节并称为欧洲三大国际电影节,也称世界三大国际电影节,最高奖是“金棕榈奖”。





20世纪30年代末,法国有感于当时德国、意大利高涨的法西斯主义气焰,特别是德国宣传部长约瑟夫·戈培尔在1936年大力运作莱尼·里芬斯塔尔(Leni Riefenstahl)拍摄当年的柏林奥运,之后便成为1938年的纪录片《奥林匹亚》(Olympia),强势入围1938年的威尼斯电影节并还夺下最佳外国影片“穆索里尼奖”;于是法国公共行政及艺术部长尚·杰伊(Jean Zay)接受菲利普·艾蓝杰(Philippe Erlanger)的建议,决定在戛纳创立新的国际电影节;第一届电影节全名为“国际电影节”(Festival international film)。选择戛纳是因为那边气候舒适。

1939年6月,路易·卢米埃尔(Louis Lumière)担任第一届“国际电影节”主席,第一届电影节自9月1日进行到9月30日。

1939年8月开始,美国片商米高梅(Metro Goldwyn Mayer)用豪华邮轮载着好莱坞明星如 Tyrone Power、贾利·古柏(Gary Cooper)、Annabella、Norman Shearer、George Raft 来到戛纳办派对、庆宴,一时之间吸引不少影迷驻足。但是9月1日德国入侵波兰,电影节随即宣布取消;9月3日法国、英国对德国宣战。



自1946年第1届戛纳国际电影节以来,1948年跟1950年因财政困难停止举办。但是在1949年,电影节在新的大楼“电影节大楼”(Palais des festivals)举办;法国人亦称之为“红地毯大楼”。

1968年5月19日第21届戛纳国际电影节因为受到“五月风暴”的影响被迫中断。前一天5月18日,评审之一路易·马卢辞职,楚浮、克劳德·贝黎(Claude Berri)、尚-盖布里耶·艾比柯寇(Jean-Gabriel Albicocco)、克劳德·勒路许(Claude Lelouche)、罗曼·波兰斯基(Roman Polanski)跟让·吕克·戈达尔冲进“电影节大楼”的大厅,坚持要中断影片的放映,目的是要“跟罢工的学生、劳工站在一起”。


一直到2002年,电影节才把官方名称定为“戛纳电影节”(Festival de Cannes)。


Ⅷ 关于法国戛纳电影节的英语介绍




The Cannes Film Festival (French: Festival de Cannes) is an international film exhibition and film award that was first held by France in 1939 in Cannes, the southern city of the country, revived after World War II and expanded in the same place. It is one of the most influential film festivals in the world.

It is called the Five World Film Festivals together with the Berlin Film Festival in Germany, the Venice Film Festival in Italy, the Toronto International Film Festival in Canada and the Caroville Film Festival in Czech Republic. It is also called the Four World Art Film Festivals with the Berlin Film Festival, the Venice Film Festival and the Moscow Film Festival in Russia.

Cannes Film Festival is held in mid-May every year for about 12 days. It usually opens on Wednesday and closes on Sunday every other week. In addition to film competitions, market exhibitions are also held at the same time.

Ⅸ 戛纳的英文是什么








Ⅹ 急求:大段的英文翻译 关于嘎纳电影节

The world's largest and most important film festival one. In 1939, France to Italy and France against the then regime controlled by the Venice International Film Festival, decided to set up France's international film festival. The outbreak of the Second World War so that the preparatory work come to a halt. After the end of World War II, on September 20, 1946 in the southern French resort of Cannes, the first film festival. Since inception, with the exception of 1948, 1950 closure, and in 1968 stopped off, held annually, for a period of about two weeks. In 1951, in time to fight for as early as the Venice International Film Festival, has been postponed to May held.
In the 1980s, generally every year dozens of countries and regions participated, showing hundreds of films. The number of participants up to tens of thousands of people. Film Festival is the main purpose of evaluation of the rest of the world have artistic value of outstanding films, among the countries to encourage cultural exchanges and cooperation, and promote the exhibition of films in cinemas for more commercial film distribution.
Main activities of the project are: ① held various film competitions and awards; ② held outside or special, such as "commented week," "director Specials," "prospects for the French film"; ③ creation of the international film market , showroom film; ④ organized retrospective.
The film will decide the Palme d'Or (best feature film) Award, Jury Award, best male, female, Best Director, Best Screenplay and the Special Jury Award and other awards.
China by virtue of the fifth-generation directors Chen Kaige film "Farewell My Concubine" was 1993 Cannes International Film Festival Golden Palm Award; Jiang Wen's "Guizi coming" was 2000 Cannes International Film Festival Jury Award