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发布时间: 2022-03-12 10:26:34

Ⅰ The only real love 中文翻译


Ⅱ realme的汉语意思

real me 的意思是真我。




2、IsThisisthe mostrealme?





1、real make me sick现实让我感到恶心

2、real to me做自己 ; 自我归真 ; 真实的我 ; 真正的我

3、This is real to me这对我来说已经足够真实

4、finding the real me寻找真我

Ⅲ RealPlayer


Ⅳ 有没有插件能让realplayer 翻译外语电影成中文啊

不是REALPLAYER没有那种插件,你可以把RM/RMVB格式的影片先转换成其他有音轨的视频播放格式,再把其中的音轨(立体声影片的音轨比较复杂,是多音轨合成的)部分(人声部分)删除,并用同等时长的配音音轨加入,并进行混音合成,就出来中文配音了。 楼主快晕了吧,这是电影译制片厂的工作方法,一般人在家是肯定弄不了的!请你放弃这个念头吧!

Ⅳ reallg中文翻译


Ⅵ The Real Slim Shady的中文翻译!

[Nurse Speaking] (精神病院里,护士用话筒开始喊道:) May I have your attention please, may I have your attention please 请大家听好了~~!请大家听好了~~! Will the real slim shady please stand up 请真正的 Slim Shady 起立! I repeat: will the real slim shady please stand up... 我再重复:请真正的 Slim Shady 起立! we're gonna have a problem here... (对旁边的另一个护士说)我们遇到一个麻烦(因为所有的病人同时站了起来) [Eminem] Ya'll act like you never seen a white person before 你们一个个都表现得象是头一回见到白人一样 jaws all on the floor 下巴都贴到地上了(形容十分惊讶) like Pam ,and Tommy just burst in the door 就好象 Pam 一样,看见 Tommy 突然冲进门来 and started whoopin her ass worse than before 然后他开始越来越疯狂地追逐她的屁股 they first were divorced 其实之前他们已经离婚了 throwing her over furniture (aaaaaah) 他把她扔(抛弃)得老远 It's the return of the... 这是XX的回归(XX是什么还没说出来就被打断) "awww..wait, no wait, you're kidding, “啊~等等,不能等了,你在开玩笑吧 he didn't just say what I think he did, 他说的并不是我认为他做过的事 did he?" 是吗?” and Dr. Dre said... 接下来 Dr.Dre 说... nothing you idiots, Dr Dre's dead 白痴!什么也没说!Dr.Dre 早就死了 he's locked in my basement(Haha~) 他的尸体被我锁在地下室了!哈哈! feminist women love Eminem 女权主义的娘们特别“喜爱” Eminem chicka chicka chicka slim shady, 老是七嘴八舌的谈论着 Slim Shady "I'm sick of him, lookit him (一个娘们说:)“我讨厌他,你瞧瞧他那小样儿~ walkin around, grabbin his you know what 走来走去地,手里抓着他那个...你知道是啥东东 flippin' to you know who" 朝着...你知道是谁...抖来抖去” "yeah, but he's so cute though" (另外一个娘们说:)“没错,可是他挺帅~!” yeah, I probably got a couple of screws up in my head loose 是的,我也许真的脑袋里缺了两颗螺丁(指精神不太正常) but no worse than what's goin on in your parents bedroom (eheheheh) 但至少比你父母卧室里发生的那些事情要正常一点(隐约听见SM的声音) sometimes, I wanna get on TV and just let loose 有时,我真想在电视上撒撒野 but cant, but it's cool for Tom Green to hump a dead moose 但可惜做不到,不过 Tom Green 那家伙和一只驼鹿尸体做爱这件事还是挺酷的 My bum is on your lips, My bum is on your lips 我的屁股就在你嘴边,我的屁股就在你嘴边 and if I'm lucky, you might just give it a little kiss 如果我够幸运的话你可以亲它一小口 and that's the message that we deliver to little kids 这就是我们想要灌输给小朋友的讯息 and expect them not to know what a woman's clitoris is 并且期望他们永远不知道女人的阴蒂是啥玩意儿 of course they're gonna know what intercourse is 可是他们总有一天会知道什么是性交 by the time they hit 4th grade 顺便还会在这方面得高分 they got the discovery channel, dont they? 他们看《探索》频道,不是吗? "we ain't nothing but mammals" “我们都不过是哺乳动物”(《探索》节目的经典台词) well, some of us cannibals 没错,有的还是食人动物呢~ who cut other people open like cantelopes 这些食人动物把其他的人切开就象切开羚羊一样 but if we can hump dead animals and antelopes 但是既然我们可以和动物尸体以及羚羊做爱 then there's no reason that a man and another man can't elope 那么就没有理由不准一个男人和另外一个男人私奔 but if you feel like I feel, I got the attitude 可是只要你和我有一样的感受,我就有个建议: women wave your pantihose, sing the chorus and it goes 女士们挥舞起你们的连袜裤,高唱着段副歌,这就开始了! Chorus : I'm Slim Shady, yes, I'm the real Shady 我就是 Slim Shady ,没错 ,我才是真正的 Shady all you other Slim Shadys are just imitating 你们所有其他的 Slim Shady 们都是冒牌的! so wont the real Slim Shady please stand up, please stand up, please stand up 那么真正的 Slim Shady 还不快起立吗!请起立!请起立! cause I'm Slim Shady, yes, I'm the real Shady 因为我就是 Slim Shady ,没错 ,我才是真正的 Shady all you other Slim Shadys are just imitating 你们所有其他的 Slim Shady 们都是冒牌的! so wont the real Slim Shady please stand up, please stand up, please stand up 那么真正的 Slim Shady 还不快起立吗!请起立!请起立! Will Smith don't got to cuss in his raps to sell records Will Smith 为了多卖几张唱片就不敢在他的说唱里骂人 well I do, so fuck him and fuck you too 可我不怕,所以操他!同时也操你们! you think I give a damn about a Grammy 你们以为我对一座葛莱美奖有兴趣吗? half of you critics can't even stomach me, let alone stand me 你们这些评论家有一半都受不了我,对我避之惟恐不及 "but slim, what if you win, wouldn't it be weird" (记者问:)“可是 Slim ,要是你真得奖了怎么办?不是很不可思议吗?” why? so you guys can just lie to get me here 有啥不可思议的?到时候你们这些家伙正好可以撒个谎把我给骗到这儿来 so you can sit me here next to Britney Spears 于是你们就可以安排我坐在“小甜甜”的旁边 Shit! Christina Aguilera better switch me chairs 狗屁,我才不要呢!最好让 Christina Aguilera 来跟我换换位置 so I can sit next to Carson Daly and Fred Durst 那样我就能坐在 Carson Daly 和 Fred Durst 的旁边 and hear 'em argue over who she gave head to first 就能听见他们争论着到底 Christina Aguilera 先和谁koujiao little bitch, put me on blast on MTV 小贱人,在MTV上惹毛了我 "yeah, he's cute, but I think he's married to Kim, hee hee" “是的,他很帅,但是我认为他已经和 Kim 结过婚了,嘿嘿” I should download her audio on MP3 我真应该把她的歌下载到MP3上 and show the world how you gave Eminem VD (aaaaaah) 然后向全世界展示你是如何让 Eminem 染上性病的(呕吐声) I'm sick of you little girl and boy groups 我讨厌你们这些小姑娘和小男孩团体 all you do is annoy me 你们成天就知道惹我恶心 so I have been sent here to destroy you 所以我被派到这里来消灭你们 and there's a million of us just like me 而且我们之中有无数的人和我一样 who cuss like me, who just don't give a fuck like me 他们象我一样地骂人,象我一样地不在乎 who dress like me, walk, talk and act like me 象我一样的穿着、走路、说话和行动 and just might be the next best thing, but not quite me 并且有望成为继我之后的最好的东西,只是成不了100%的我 [Chorus] I'm like a head trip to listen to 听我唱歌就好比进行一次大脑旅行 cause I'm only givin you things you joke about with your friends inside you livin' room 因为我只会给你讲一些你和你的朋友只敢在私人客厅里作为笑谈的东西 the only difference is I got the balls to say it in front of ya'll 唯一的不同是我拥有在你们大家面前说出来的机会 and I aint gotta be false or sugar coated at all 而且我不会说谎也不会给它们加上糖衣(修饰以使其听起来顺耳) I just get on the mic and spit it 我不过是对着麦克风然后直接吐出来罢了 and whether you like to admit it (riiip) 不管你承不承认(呕吐声) I just shit it better than 90% you rappers out can 我无疑比90%的说唱艺人放屁放得更响亮 then you wonder how can kids eat up these albums like valiums 接下来你想知道为什么小朋友们痴迷我的专辑就好象依赖安定一样 it's funny,cause at the rate I'm going when I'm thirty 这还真好笑,因为照我现在这个样子发展下去的话,当我30岁的时候 I'll be the only person in the nursing home flirting 我会成为独一无二的在疗养院耍流氓的人 pinchin nurses asses when I'm jackin off with Jergens 当我和 Jergens 一起玩手淫的时候一边还捏护士们的屁股, and I'm jerkin' but this whole bag of Viagra isn't working 而且我抽筋时这整包Viagra(药)都不起作用 In every single person there's a Slim Shady lurkin 在每个人体内都潜伏了一个 Slim Shady he could be workin at burger king, spittin on your onion rings 他(潜伏的Slim Shady)会在你吃汉堡时发作,在你的洋葱圈上吐口水 or in the parking lot, circling, screamin "I dont give a fuck" 或者开着车在停车场不停地转圈圈,还一边叫喊着“I don't give a fuck”(Shady的口头禅) with his windows down and his system up 而且车窗、车盖都敞开着的 so will the real Shady please stand up 那么真正的 Shady 请站起来吧 and put 1 of those fingers on each hand up 然后双手高举中指 and be proud to be outta your mind and outta control 并且骄傲地丧失理智 and 1 more time, loud as you can, how does it go? 好好地再唱一遍副歌,用你吃奶的力气,是咋唱的来着? [Chorus] x2 (Talking) Haha guess it's a Slim Shady in all of us... Fuck it! Let's all stand up 哈哈,搞不好真的每个人的灵魂里都有个Slim Shady ... 他奶奶的!那就让我们一块儿起立吧!


Ⅶ real翻译英文

形容词 a.

1. 真的,真正的;衷心的;真诚的

2. 现实的,实际的,实在的

3. 完全的,十足的[B]

Ⅷ 用real播放器看外国电影怎么就翻译过来了


Ⅸ realscore翻译成中文是什么意思

real score的中文翻译

real score




But when I did, it was a real score.



International bodies like UN Commission on Population and Development,
which provide disaggregated data on migration and other women issues, to see the
real score.



According to the development of intervention activities in three counties (
see Annex 3, intervention points in each strategy in three counties), select
appropriate ratings to give real score.


Ⅹ real的中文是什么

real [rɪəl]
1. 形容词 [+leather] [ gold etc] (not artificial) 真正的
2. 形容词 [+reason] [ interest] [ name] (not feigned) 真实的
3. 形容词 [+life] [ feeling] (not imaginary) 真实的
4. 形容词 (for emphasis) 真的
It's a real shame. 真是遗憾。 5. 副词 [US] [inf] (very) 很
for real 当真 the real thing 真家伙 in real life 现实生活中 in real terms 实际上